Publish a Hugo site to Azure Static Web Apps with bicep

##Create a Hugo App

Create a Hugo app using the Hugo Command Line Interface (CLI):

Follow the installation guide for Hugo on your OS.

Open a terminal

Run the Hugo CLI to create a new app.

hugo new site hello-hugo

Navigate to the newly created app.

cd hello-hugo

Initialize a Git repo.

git init

Next, add a theme to the site by installing a theme as go module

go get

Add following snippet to the config.yaml

    path: ""

Commit the changes.

git add -A
git commit -m "initial commit"

Push your application to GitHub

You need a repository on GitHub to connect to Azure Static Web Apps. The following steps show you how to create a repository for your site.

Create a blank GitHub repo (don’t create a README) from named hello-jamstack.

Add the GitHub repository as a remote to your local repo. Make sure to add your GitHub username in place of the <YOUR_USER_NAME> placeholder in the following command.

git remote add origin<YOUR_USER_NAME>/hello-jamstack

Push your local repo up to GitHub.

git push --set-upstream origin main

##Create Azure Bicep File

Create a folder called azure and inside a file called static-web-page.bicep with following content

param location string = 'westeurope'

param repositoryToken string

resource staticWebPage 'Microsoft.Web/staticSites@2020-12-01' = {
    location: location
    name: 'hello-jamstack'
    properties: {
        repositoryUrl: ''
        branch: 'main'
        buildProperties: {
        apiLocation: 'api'
        appLocation: '/hello-hugo'
        appArtifactLocation: 'public'
    repositoryToken: repositoryToken
    sku: {
        name: 'Free'
    tags: {
        Environment: 'Development'

output staticWebPage string =

To not have the GH_TOKEN in the codebase, we create secure param repositoryToken

##Sign in to Azure To deploy the bicep file sign in to using the Azure CLI.

az login

If you have multiple Azure subscriptions, select the subscription you want to use. Replace with your subscription information:

az account set --subscription <SUBSCRIPTION-ID-OR-SUBSCRIPTION-NAME>

When you deploy a bicep file, you specify a resource group that contains related resources. Before running the deployment command, create the resource group with the Azure CLI.

az group create --name $resourceGroupName  -l westeurope -o table

Use one of these deployment options to deploy the template.

az deployment group create -f static-web-page.bicep -g aswa-dev-rg  -p repositoryToken=<GH_TOKEN>

To show the hostname use following command

outputs=$(az deployment group show --name static-web-page \                                                                    
--resource-group aswa-dev-rg \
--query properties.outputs)

staticWebPage=https://$(jq -r .staticWebPage.value <<< $outputs)

echo $staticWebPage